Faith Play of the Day: Integrity
Bible Reading:
“An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.”
2 Timothy 2:5
Winning is rewarding right? It satisfies our souls as all the hard work and the preparation pays off and you receive the prize! In our case here at the Friday Night Life, that would be The Championship Game! But when a win is awarded but only to find out later it was through cheating that got them there, it’s such a Disgrace. Here in the book of Timothy, Paul is encouraging Timothy to run the race and run it well. He refers to an athlete competing in a competition like the Olympics. In the previous verses he refers to a good soldier and then pivots to an athlete. Why an athlete we wonder? As a sojourner of the christian life, we can see the parallels between a christian, a follower of Christ, and an athlete. In a few different verses the bible refers to athletics and athletes in comparison to the christian life.
“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”
Hebrews 12:1
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
2 Timothy 4:7
But here in this portion of scripture, Paul is referring to the obedience of rules in order to be crowned, or (winning the championship game and getting that ring!) But what are the rules? What must be done to win the prize?
Let’s a take a look…
One is self-discipline. As an athlete, you have to stay focused on your goal and must be driven to do what’s necessary to keep the goal. Mental preparation and physical preparation is key to success. And when that focus is lost, it can be detremental to your performance. And just like an athlete, Paul was encouraging Timothy to make sure he stayed disciplined in his walk with God. Just like Timothy, athletes need to be disciplined in their daily lives. Working out, eating right, mental and physical readiness is crucial as a player gets into the game. Having discipline in our daily lives will help us grow and mature as a christian and as an athlete!
Second is Strength. Timothy needed to be strong in his spiritual strength so that he may be able to help others grow and learn in their walks. In order to be able to provide that, he himself needed to be protected with his own spiritual strength. An athlete has to be in the weight room everyday. Strengthening their bodies and getting their muscles stronger and fitter and ready for game day. The time it takes to be in the weight room everyday is hard. But it’s worth it and it’s needed!
Thirdly, is Faith. Timothy’s faith had to be strong has he continued on his journey in ministry. Obviously his faith in Christ must be strong however his faithfulness to the church and the believers. Being dependable and transparent. Here at TFNL we like to call it “Above reproach”. The believers needed to depend on him and know he was reliable and they could count on him to do what is right. An athlete also must be dependable! They must show up and get to work and be ready everyday. Committed and Faithful to their team and their sport. Also making the right choices too. Because if they are not dependable, then it could destroy the whole team!
As we head into the last part of our season and possibly playoffs…
Let’s make sure we run the race…Finish Strong…with INTEGRITY!