PODCAST: #013 & #014 Interview with the Martins

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 Donnie and Lisa Martin embody servanthood in the coaching profession. They have been a part of many teams, and everywhere they have been, they have left a legacy of love trailing behind them as they have touched the lives of hundreds of athletes over the last 20+ years. 

They have coached and fed their fair share of athletes who have gone on to great careers at the next levels, but to this day, Donnie maintains that his best year of coaching was when he was a part of a team that went 0-10...how can he say that? What does that even mean? Find out his secret in this episode.

Donnie is also a Pastor at Fresh Anointing New Life Ministries in Rancho Cucamonga.

They also discuss the important role that social media can play in football and in life. Give them a follow on the following platforms:

Twitter: @coachmartin2  and  @FutbolwifeLisa
IG: @coachmartin2
Facebook: Donald H Martin II

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Interview with The Martins
Interview with the Martins pt. 2

PODCAST: #015 The Stevens


PODCAST: #012 Interview with the Simpsons